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I’m investing in solar energy. Let’s see how it unfolds 🙂

last week our government announced the next round of subsidies for solar plants. You can get up to 3230,10 EUR compensated for 10kW. The less kW you decide to put on your roof – the less money you’ll get back, pretty simple 🙂 If you go with the maximum – it’s about 30% discount for the kit and install bundle! Also, there’s a possibility (at least at the time of writing) to push your electricity to the grid for a small fee, which might change sooner than later 🙂 Poland already moved to “net billing” model and I believe other European countries will follow, so I want to play this game purely for economic reasons, leaving all emotional benefits aside (like “go green” etc.). I want to see whether it’s a feasible way to save money or all these “I’m not paying for electricity anymore, ever!!!” screamers are full of shit 😉
The goal:
- Have numbers as close to reality as possible, which could eliminate all rants from solar sceptics or blind believers on the other side too 🙂
- Document every step of the process: applying for subsidy, getting required access to the grid, upgrades to the current infrastructure (if required) etc.
- Calculate every expense or income during installation and running the system
- Dashboard with live data from the power plant (with emphasis on money related metrics)
Dashboard should have:
- Logs from the install and running (expenses/savings)
- Current kWh price (all investments and savings accounted)
- Predicted payback date based on live data
- Weather information in the area
- Electricity used vs. pushed to the grid
- Changes in laws or any other disturbances which could potentially impact the payback
- Many more…
My roof is oriented to south-west, without any shadows, 20° decline, all panels should fit on the same plane, no optimizers, high quality products used, 25-year warranty etc. I will run it for as long as I can so it will be fun to see when (IF) it will pay itself out and when (if ever) my electricity bill will actually be “0” and not “paid in advance, that’s why it’s 0 this month” 🙂
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