HD Fat Bob headlight on the Stryker?

Round headlights are just not my thing… So kudos to Harley for making this horizontal one – looks very nice and modern. Found out it’s attached to Fat Bob. Although it’s a fairly new bike – Chinese did their thing, copied (or just made more on the side) and are selling these headlights on Aliexpress 😀 for a decent price (https://link.geriaune.pro/hdlight). I immediately bought it and now figuring out how to mount it on my Stryker 🙂

not a fan of the HD cover, which covers the forks too so I’m 3D printing my own and I’ll see whether it’s better or not 😀  anyway – HD Fat Bob forks are further apart from each other than Stryker’s so it would require some modifications… and it costs an arm and a leg too…


If you want to drop me a beer: https://paypal.me/geriaune