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Post technical inspection – Yamaha Stryker (thoughts, fixes, second try)

So, after they have failed my bike as “not road worthy” I need to change some things. Let‘s see how can I workaround these issues and how long these (temporary?) mods will last 😊
First – relocate number plate to the back, on a rear fender. Then – Cobra exhaust… 129dB should be lowered to at least 106dB, and 10dB increment is “twice as loud”… LED headlight was OK, apart from being too low, which was fixed by hand on spot 😊
I have measured my chopped fender and checked what can be done to mount the plate in the back – good thing I have left two screws, which were used for OEM number plate bracket. So a quick Fusion360 model, several hours for 3D printer and I have a bracket to mount everything (including number plate light and tail light) at the back. It was too flimsy though so I had to add additional metal plate to stabilize that thing. I thought it might brake under heavy bounce (spoiler alert – it did, on a third day after my second attempt to pass inspection). It should work for the time being, I only need it to last a day 😀
Headlight was already lifted by a bit and that did the trick.
Cobra exhaust… This one is hard if I want to do this “the normal way”. Usually, guys with louder exhausts just shove a bunch of metal scrubbing sponges inside and remove these after passing inspection. I was too optimistic, thinking it can be modified to meet local noise requirements with engineering 😀 oh boy I was wrong. Inspector mentioned to me, during the first test, photos from import/registration shows a silencer inside, thus it is allowed for my application. I’ve bough one, removed the core from Cobra – empty barrel o_O that’s strange… Where’s the packing material? Should there be one? Alright… Bought some chimney insulation, added to the barrel, added the silencer, measured with phone on idle – 6dB less than before, NICE 😊 all phone apps do not measure more than 90dB so revving (as it became apparent later on) does not make a lot of sense.
You can check how it went on Patreon:
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