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Troubleshooting Stryker cooling electrical to success?

My Yamaha is overheating and I’ve noticed the fan is not spinning. But the fan, water temperature sensor and fan relay proven to be working after a bench test. “Overheating” light also comes on after a short city drive… I need to find this gremlin as tomorrow is technical inspection day 😀
What was done so far:
- FAN bench tested – just supply +12V directly to the FAN connector and check if it spins. It did for me – win. You don’t even need to take it out – connector is under the right cover (front of the tank).
- Took out the FAN relay, checked it with voltage and continuity – all checked out. It was clicking like new. It might still be bad, maybe it fails miserably under load, this will be the case if everything else is ok.
- Checked the wiring (continuity) to the water temperature sensor, FAN relay and FAN itself – all good.
- Boiled the water temp. sensor and measured its resistance – looks ok, according to the manual (290-354Ohm @80°C).
As the water temp. sensor was the messiest of them all I was kind of betting on it being bad… I now believe it’s OK and I also need to change the coolant 🙂 Printed out electrical diagram for cooling system, made a plan how to test the whole circle with sensors, relays etc. to find the issue. It will be either ECU, FAN relay or grounds/connectors (all under load). I hope it’s the latter 😀
You’ll find the plan and the outcome when I will go through it in my Patreon:
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