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Mitsubishi Lancer / Evolution X cluster conversion from miles to km or vice versa
BEFORE (notice it already has conversion speed face, ODO in miles, TRIP in miles):

AFTER (conversion speed face was changed to EU speed face, ODO in km, TRIP in km):

This covers Cluster conversion for Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 10 (EVO X) but checking base Lancer EEPROM dumps I would say it should work for other Lancer models. By the way – you can swap these EVO clusters to base models too! Facelift ones (from year 2011) are multi-color, EVO clusters have dials pointing downwards and overall look is way better than base Lancer.
The cost for parts required to make this are about 100€. Electronics can be acquired in any electronic parts store (like RadioShack, Digi-Key or similar) for below 10€ and replacement faces did cost me ~60€. You can purchase EEPROM reader, if making it yourself is not an option, and there are variety of them, so it depends on your preference (so price of it is not included).
Europe EVO X clusters goes for A LOT of money, they are very rare and mostly unattainable. USA clusters can be purchased for about 250€. You can have a perfectly working EU cluster in KMH for as low as 330€ if you do this conversion.
Things you will need for this:
- Soldering station or a good dual tip soldering iron – choose at your preference or take it to someone who has a soldering plate. You will need to de-solder an eight leg SMD EEPROM. There are other components around the EEPROM on the board – so evaluate your soldering skills before attacking it 🙂
- 93C86 EEPROM (16bit) reader/writer. Some EVO models (mostly pre-facelift) use 93C76 chip. You should be able to find one which can read/write both or you can make one as described below for cheap.
- PC to hook up the reader – if you make the reader as per these instructions, you need one with the RS232 port (COM port). Converters from USB to RS232 will not work!
- EUDM cluster gauge faces – the “conversion” faces will not work, you need OEM-like faces with CORRECT scaling.


- BEER! – I suggest IPA (Indian Pale Ale) :)))
How to make your own reader/writer, detailed instructions how to take out and disassemble the cluster, what to change, pinouts, schematic diagrams, programming etc. (or if you need the cluster files only) you can get at:
CLUSTER CONVERSION (miles/km) + cluster dumps
If you want to drop me a beer: